2014年5月30日 星期五

VISCOM 3 (Visual Composition)

In Art Center, product design students have viscom for each term. Viscom 1 focus on the line drawing (draw straight lines by free hand) and perspective. Viscom 2 emphasis on the shadow and shading. Now I'm in 3rd term, and so far I have 3 classes of Viscom3. Our teacher, Fredo, asks us to pay attention to composition and contrast in terms of scale, line weight, shading.... Let's see my 2nd week homework- Chess.

And let's see my 1st week homework.

Composition-wise I did better than the first week, right?

Haha I think so.

But I spent too much time on each page (A3)- almost 3 hours!!
I should sketch faster... !!

Before I came to Art Center, I didn't know how to "sketch".
I could "draw" something (slowly), but I couldn't sketch quickly.
BTW, I have never been trained before. I loved to draw when I was a child, but I stopped drawing for about 7 years. (The reason is the long story~~ haha)

And I hated to sketch product! (Because my sketch was shitty and I hated it.)
I couldn't barely draw a box in perspective in the beginning of the first term. So I've improved a lot in 9 months hehe. Still have a long way to go!

Below are some drawing I put in my entrance portfolio. 

I didn't know how to use marker (copic), and I watched some lecture video on YOUTUBE. This one was the first time I tried to use marker. But I didn't know I should draw on marker paper instead of regular paper. 

Now I don't have time to draw slowly haha. I haven't draw creature or figure for a long time. hmmm... I'll take illustration class in the next term. Hope my figure sketching can improve a lot! ;)

2014年5月24日 星期六

PENSOLE - Footwear design program in Portland

It has been insanely busy over the past few months even in the spring break. I was going to go back to Taiwan but finally I went to Portland for footwear design program- PENSOLE!

Check out this blog!
25 of us took turn to record every day. We had a lot of fun, but the class was really intense so everyone got not much sleep. The lecture was consecutive 14 days. We learnt how to work in a group, sketch, material... The most important thing I would say learning to be professional. The founder of PENSOLE- D'wayne, he is one of the best teacher I've ever had. He gave us a quote, a recommended book, and a website a day regarding to how to be successful. He want us to improve everyday, always be better than yesterday.

At the final presentation, out sponsors- NIKE, ADIDAS, COLUMBIA, UNDER ARMOR, VANS came to the studio. I was in the VANS group, and our theme is about sustainability. So I focus on the improvement of manufacturing process, and I didn't change the appearance too much because VANS always kept the heritage. (I've sketched some weird shoes but they didn't fit the image of VANS.)

This is the prototype I made. :-)

At first I made one by paper but it looked like a toy because of the stiff property of the paaper. I didn't like it so I went to the thrift store, bought a pair of jeans and cut it. The shoe is still in my room. Haha I brought it back with me.

We present as a group. We had been through a hard time, and some conflicts happened. Honestly, I was very uncomfortable about this. I always try to avoid that. Sometimes I just kept quiet and I realized that was not good. Trying to speak out my ideas loud is kinda contradict to my personality and culture from Taiwan.

I'm still struggling. Haha. Always remind myself to speak even though I'm stumbling. lol

I went to Mt. Rainier by myself after the program and it was amazingly beautiful.

And it was SNOWING! in MAY!!

It was raining in Longmire...

When I kept driving up to the Paradise... the rain became the snow!!!!

I was so excited!!!! I seldom see the snow and didn't expect there would be snowing on the mountain. Glad that I bought a Goretex in Portland... 

It was really cold and I got a cold that night... haha it was worth it!

Then I went to Seattle for two days and fortunately it stopped raining.

salmon chowder

Washington U

Farmers market

I came back at the day before the new term started.

Now It's third week in the summer term. Hope I can keep update my blog. :-)